Going After Cacciato Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the primary requirement of every soldier, according to O'Brien?

    O'Brien discusses in detail the requirements that one must have to qualify to be a soldier. However, the most important of all is acquiescence. O'Brien argues that soldiers are trained to obey their seniors at all times without question. For instance, when soldiers are sent to fight the enemy, they must all act diligently according to their superiors' orders. Therefore, lack of obedience by junior soldiers can be chaotic and hinder the entire army's objectives.

  2. 2

    What is the setting of the novel 'Going After Cacciato,' and which vital message is passed to readers?

    The novel's setting is Vietnam during the war period. Numerous American soldiers face off in a fierce battle with the Vietnamese soldiers, and each side is seriously fighting for its life. Many Americans and Vietnamese soldiers are killed. Unfortunately, innocent Vietnamese citizens are caught in this war, and most of them lost their lives. Similarly, many innocent civilians are left seriously injured and homeless. The author communicates to readers that war has no meaning because it results in death, destruction of property, and political instability.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of Paris as used in the novel?

    Paris embodies peace and stability. Historically, most world leaders converged in Paris to negotiate about their political strength. Cacciato is determined to go to Paris because he believes that the future will be stable. Most soldiers taking part in the battle are frequently mentioning Paris because they are yearning for peace. In this novel, the reader realizes that having peace of mind is a process that one has to undertake. Consequently, Paris represents personal reconciliation which leads to harmony and contentment.

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