Gathering Blue

Why was Vandara so feared and respected


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Vandara doesn’t hesitate to come to Kira as soon as her mother died and to claim the plot of land where Kira used to life for the village. Vandara even threatens to kill Kira and other women in the village come with rocks in their hands, ready to cast Kira away. This scene creates the impression that Vandara is a powerful woman, not to be messed with, while Kira is a young and defenseless girl who can do nothing to protect herself. But Kira is anything but such because she has a brilliant mind that surpasses that of her attackers so she quickly thinks about a way out. Kira mentions a law that offers her protection and the women are left with no other choice but to let Kira live. Ironically, in this scene, the one who is forced to take a step back is not Kira but Vandara.