Gandhi: Selected Political Writings Literary Elements

Gandhi: Selected Political Writings Literary Elements


Political book

Setting and Context

Written in the context of achieving inner strength

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Enlightening and reflective

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Mahatma Gandhi.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Gandhi advocated for civil disobedience and non-cooperation as the ultimate strategy of gaining freedom from the British.


The climax came when Gandhi managed to rally his people without violence to attain independence. Therefore, Gandhi is the most celebrated leader who never used violence against his oppressors but pushed for civil disobedience to gain independence.


His strong belief in Satyagraha foreshadowed Gandhi's political philosophy.


The power of civil disobedience and non-cooperation was understated by the British.


The story alludes to Gandhi's political strategy that enabled India to gain independence without violence.


The images of Satyagraha depict sight imagery which helps readers to see the theoretical dedication and resistance against the British using non-violent ways.


The main paradox is that Gandhi considers pain and persecution a mark of success


There is parallelism between Gandhi’s approach to gaining independence and the British’s tactical response.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Swaraj is a metonymy for the home rule where injustices, greed, and class do not exist.



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