Friday Night Lights

sociologist are intrested in petterns and trends.what patterns and trends do you see in this community?

friday night light

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Certainly a poor community like Odessa, Texas might take a lot of stock in their high-school football team. Many adults live vicariously through their children which is a running theme or trend through the book. Racism also runs through the town. Football becomes a focal point for both integration and rampant racism in the town.

Ok ...

this question comes always from the mouth of the non sociologists .. i remmber when i was studying the B.A in sociology , my friend in the other field of study were saying to me : " you are talking about something we knows , in some way we really non able to understand it " , they means

the Sociologist almost talks about the Society whats we belong to it , and we should know its very well in space language whats makes us unable to undrstnd where we are or where we live .

The Answer :

So , now when we say the word " Society " we mean usually all of the people in them daily life , when they contacting each other ofr any reason .. and because we couldnt be able to register all of the humanity says in voice and in vedios we made the sociological theories . to understand the society .

by the way , the word " socio- logy " whats conated the word "Logic " , could simplfy the answer , in some way we are trying to make the society something able to be abstracted and able to be understood , by making the frequented things abstracted , and by finding the relations between it . and then we can fine the defferanties between its .

in our way to abstarct the social life , we are going to fins too many way , one of the them finiding the Trend .

its means when some people goes as the sea wave in the same direction , and that makes them defferant from other commuinity in the same

subject . whats makes us able to make comparative between them and other communities , and whats makes us able to reveal other phenomenas from them trend or to be able to understand something bigger form understanding the Trend whats we can see .

Regarding the Patterns , there are tow meanings depends on if its something related to Culture or to Methods ..

in Culter its means , the common behaviour whats selected by people who has the same charchters , or near charchters .. as when we say

the tean ages boys who makes them hair tall than usual ...or the ladies who clothing the Jeans whats makes them looks as a poor , or what ever .

But in Methodology , the word "Pattern " means : the Collective of the Most Importance Factors whats its studying may reveal Excellent Understanding for the Social Phenomena , So we Distributes the Survies whats Builded to be Including the Powerfull Patterns or Factors ,

and by studying the Statistical Relative between the Numeical Data of these Patatens we understand the Phenomena , whats Playing the most effective role on this phenomena , how to control it , in which other Phenomena its effect ..and so on


From my Mind