Friday Night Lights

How has Bissinger portrayed the impact of gender on the students and athletic culture of Permian High?


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The girls at Permian follow gender roles reminiscent of 1950’s America. Almost every girl at Permian High wants to be a Pepette. These are girls who exclusively devote themselves to the football players. Each Pepette is assigned to a specific player. They act as domestic servants for an appointed player by cooking them football themed deserts or making signs for them. If a girl is blessed with a keen intellect, she simply “dumbs down” herself to fit into Permian school culture. Players like Don Billingsley enjoy a bizarre hero status among many girls at Permian; it is a status that affords them everything from getting their books carried to getting paid for sex. The accepted fate for most of the boys after high school is a physically punishing career on the oilrigs. For girls, the future is even bleaker. Like something out of a Jane Austen novel, the best these girls were taught to hope for was to marry from a select lot of boys whose best before date ended after their final day of high school football.

