Friday Night Lights

Bissinger writes one of Permian's parents,... it was clear to him that girls had to ‘dumb down’ at Permian or else run the risk of being excluded from dating and parties because the boys considered them too smart.” Is this social pressure on girls to hide

Bissinger writes one of Permian's parents,... it was clear to him that girls had to ‘dumb down’ at Permian or else run the risk of being excluded from dating and parties because the boys considered them too smart.” Is this social pressure on girls to hide their intelligence in order to be popular at our school?

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It would be impossible for me to answer this question based upon the population at your school. Think about the girls in your school, and answer that basic question..... do the girls you know often hide their intelligence in order to fit in with the popular group, are these girls isolated, are people jealous of them?