
The creature makes a request of Victor: to create a female companion. What is the basis for the creature’s request? What is Victor’s reaction to the request? How does the interaction between Victor and his creation impact Victor? Explain how the creature’

The creature makes a request of Victor: to create a female companion. What is the basis for the creature’s request? What is Victor’s reaction to the request? How does the interaction between Victor and his creation impact Victor? Explain how the creature’s request affects Victor by analyzing the relationship between Victor and the creature.

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The creature wants Victor to make him a companion so he won't have to be alone. He wishes for a female companion "of the same species and of the same defects." Victor feels sorry for the creature after hearing his tale of the cottagers, but he is angered by the creature's request.

The latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and as he said this I could no longer suppress the rage that burned within me.
"I do refuse it," I replied; "and no torture shall ever extort a consent from me. You may render me the most miserable of men, but you shall never make me base in my own eyes. Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint wickedness might desolate the world. Begone! I have answered you; you may torture me, but I will never consent."

The creature's request and Victor's response holds the key to holds the upper hand. Victor, as the creature's creator, has also become the creature's nemesis.

