
Is there any way to truly understand another person in Frankenstein?

Throughout Frankenstein we are given stories from different perspectives, from different times and places, and with different intentions. How are we to “trust” our narrators? If we can't trust appearances, what can we trust? Words can be misinterpreted; actions can be understood. Is there any way to truly understand another person in Frankenstein? Based on Romantic ideals, what social commentary do you think Mary Shelley was attempting to portray?

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Last updated by paul w #431242
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In Frankenstein, like every other story and realities in life, people truly cannot understand the actions of others without being able to apply their own experiences. No individual can say they would have acted in one way or anorher, unless they've actually been put in a similar circumstance. No one can say what they would "absolutely" do. Different perspectives assist us in interpreting different viewpoints, but true understanding comes from experience. 

i dont know