Francis Bacon: Essays and Major Works

I have to write an essay relating to my activities, work experiences and any honors or awards you have received is for a college application but i don't know how to start?

i dont know how to begin my essay.

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Your first task is to narrow this down to something specific. This is far too vague. These people want a story that tells them about you. Find a common thread among these topics. Does your work experience deal with public service? If so have you received any awards or recognition for this? Are you in a club that is service oriented? That would be a commonality you could build an essay on. Does your work experience deal with having to do with responsibilty or the need to think quickly on your feet? If so,then maybe you are in clubs or activities that deal with this as well, NHS etc. Start with a memorable day at work or a receiving an honor you are particularly proud about. Use that as an inroad to the next phase. You task is to connect the events and tell about yourself. Respond on this thread if you need more help or suggestions.

thank you

I know the answer is late but I will give the recommendation to those who still struggle a lot with their college papers. The groupmate of mine advised me to check "Prime Writing" service. I am not a type of a guy who cheats, but one day it was really burning. So, at least you and other people will know that this online writing service is a trustful one and your essay will be written in the proper way.


You may submit an essay relating to your activities, work experiences and any honors or awards you have received. If you upload your essay please be sure to include your name and address at the top of your essay.