Flowers for Algernon

How do the bakery workers treat Charlie when he returns? Why does he leave his job again?


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One of the new bakery workers makes fun of Charlie and is physically abusive. His friends, however, stick up for him and protect him. They even want to get the new guy (Klaus) fired, but Charlie won't allow it. Charlie leaves the bakery when he makes the decision to go to Warren. He doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for him and wants to go somewhere that everyone else is like him.

Thats why Im going away from here for good to the Warren Home school. I dont want to do nothing like that agen. I dont want Miss Kinnian to feel sorry for me. I know evrybody feels sorry for me at the bakery and I dont want that eather so Im going someplace where they are a lot of other pepul like me and nobody cares that Charlie Gordon was once a genus and now he cant even reed a book or rite good.


Flowers for Algernon