Flowers for Algernon

1. What is the importance of the quote to the character that said it? What is the context? 2. How does the quote contribute to the story? 3. How can you connect the idea of the quote to the real life? What are your other thought/ideas related to the qu

"I wasn’t his son. That was another Charlie. Intelligence and knowledge had changed me, and he would resent me-as the others from the bakery resented me-because my growth diminished him. I didn’t want that"

can you answer all those questions on this quote from the book Flowers for Algernon?

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This passage relates Charlie visiting his father Matt. Charlie's operation has changed him so much that his own father doesn't recognize him. Charlie cannot bring himself to tell his father who he really is. This emphasizes Charlie feeling that he is two different people: he has his identity before the operation and he has his new identity after the operation.