Fifth Business

Explain Eisengrim’s concept of entertainment and entertainer.

Part 5 Chapter 3

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Everything about the show must seem real. People must believe they are experiencing not only entertainment but some kind of alternate reality. For this reason everything in the show and everybody in the show must be carefully controlled:

“That the show must keep its character all the time. I must not be seen off the stage except under circumstances that carry some cachet; I must never do tricks outside the theatre. When people meet me I must be always the distinguished gentleman conferring a distinction; not a nice fellow, just like the rest of the boys. The girls must have it in their contract that they do not accept invitations unless we approve, appear anywhere except in clothes we approve, get into any messes with boy friends, or seem to be anything but ladies. Not easy, you see. Faustina herself is a problem; she has not yet learned about clothes, and she eats like a lioness.”