Fahrenheit 451

Why might montag's expression of the hound,mark a turning point in his development?what role does affection play in this world? what might be the significance of montag's final battle with the hound? Finally how might the mechanical hound be a symbol for

To find the answers you must pg 24 to get the decription of the hound and read pg 120 to get the description of the battle . The book is called Fahrenheit 451.

I really need the asnwers by tomorrow.

Thank you

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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The hound is symbolic of the way technology can be harmful rather than beneficial. The hound's presence makes surveillance possible, but he isn't just used to "watch", he is used as a killing machine.

As for the rest of your question, my copy of the text does not include page numbers. I will need additional information in order to assist you.