Fahrenheit 451

What does Montag’s daydream about watching himself get caught by the Mechanical Hound on TV reveal about his mental state? Connect this with question number 3—could watching TV have something to do with this? (Refer also to the top of page 138.)

What does Montag’s daydream about watching himself get caught by the Mechanical Hound on TV reveal about his mental state? Connect this with question number 3—could watching TV have something to do with this? (Refer also to the top of page 138.)

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After Montag kills Captain Beatty and goes on the run, he soon realizes that Faber's house is the only place he can go. Montag and Faber watch tv, looking at the mechanical hound hunting Montag. Montag begins to imagine his own capture. Montag understands the state's need for propaganda and perhaps the futility of his little revolution. You will need to reflect on your second question yourself.