Fahrenheit 451

Questions about Part 2: The Sieve and the Sand (7 AND 8)

What feeling about the ladies does Bradbury communicate by his description of their conversation? Are they seen in a positive or negative way? How can you tell from the specific words he uses?

When the women get together, what "fire images" does Bradbury use to describe the ladies? List at least five "fire" words that add to the imagery of the scene. Why does he do this, do you think?

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7) "Montag's disdain for Millie's friends is a microcosm of his disdain for all of society. The women's selfishness, revealed through their nonchalance about the upcoming war in which their husbands will fight, and through their disregard for children, is in keeping with the prevalent attitudes of a society where maintaining one's own illusion of happiness is the only priority. This 'happiness' is advertised through the 'Cheshire Cat' smiles the women wear. The reader is cognizant that personal happiness in this society is only an illusion, reminded of Montag's realization that his own "burnt-in" smile no longer contorts his face. Montag discovers that he is not truly happy, but his wife and her friends are unable to see the truth."

8) "So it was now, in his own parlour, with these women twisting in their chairs under his gaze, lighting cigarettes, blowing smoke, touching their sun-fired hair and examining their blazing fingernails as if they had caught fire from his look."

"Any moment they might hiss a long sputtering hiss and explode."


http://www.gradesaver.com/fahrenheit-451/study-guide/section2/ Fahrenheit 451 Text