Fahrenheit 451

how can the beings in this book be considered human?

What seems strange is that if personality and thought process make a person considered alive and active then how can beings in Guy Montag's community be HUMAN? Clarisse seemed to stand out because she had a developed personality but everyone else seemed robotic. I wonder if the people only hate free thinking because they're similar to the robotic hound; they do what they're programmed to do and nothing more or less. However, the book never explains what distinguishes robot from person- is it the lack of thought or the lack of personality, or both?

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Last updated by lizzy h #87773
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my personal opinion is that you can't truly be considered human unless you have the ability to make choices for yourself and have your own personality. Montag and Clarisse both have their own personalities and are human, but at the same time so are all the people that haven't because they could if they were to have an enlightenment like montag. This is why I think that they are all human, a robot is programed, a human learns through experiences.