Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How does the story of “The Sixth Borough” inform our understanding of theme and character?

Pages 217-222: “The Sixth Borough”. If this question is too complicated to answer, think of it in this way: what does the situation and story about "The Sixth Borough" contribute to the novel's theme or the reader's perspective of the characters (Dad and Oskar)?

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The story of the Sixth Borough departs from the novel's realism to offer insight into Oskar’s belief system. Oskar has mentioned this story and final evening previously, suggesting that it has impacted him in ways he cannot quite articulate.

There are similarities between the Sixth Borough story and the novel's larger plot. First, it echoes the connection to New York City that Oskar's quest reveals. As Oskar searches through all five boroughs and remembers his final Reconnaissance Expedition in Central Park, he is implicitly treating the city as a wonderland full of mysteries to be uncovered.