Everyman: Morality Play

what is the importance of everyman?

morality play

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The purpose of a morality play is, in part, to extend some kind of value added lesson. They serve as cautionary tales as well of what not to do in a given situation. The premise of Everyman is that the good and evil deeds of one's life will be tallied by God after death, as in a ledger book. Everyman (symbolic of all of us) is summoned to his eternal reckoning. Unfortunately he doesn't have his papers in order so Death says he can bring a fiend to plead his case. His friends are all allegorical (goods, good deeds kindred cousins...) in the end all abandon him except for good deeds. What is the moral of this story? A man will only have his Good Deeds to accompany him beyond the grave. I suppose that is the important part.

