Esperanza Rising

In Esperanza Rising, how did Miguel react/respond when he lost his job to an Oklahoman willing to work for less?

How did Miguel respond when an Oklahoman willing to work for less took his job on the railroad

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Miguel returns home, covered in dirt, and explains that his job as a mechanic went to one of the inexperienced workers from Oklahoma simply because the "Okie" was willing to accept a lower wage. Esperanza becomes outraged when Miguel tells them that he has agreed to dig ditches instead. Miguel tries to reason with Esperanza, but she runs away from their cabin.


Esperanza Rising

Miguel comes home covered in dirt and explains that his work as a mechanic was given to an unexperienced worker from Oklahoma and took the job to dig ditches instead. Esperanza becomes outraged with him and she runs away, Miguel eventually catches up with her and they argue. Esperanza mentions in the argument that he is still a peasant and being patient wont help. Then Miguel tells her that she is not a queen.


Esperana Rising