Esperanza Rising

Esperanza Rising

During “Las Cebollas,” Isabel must teach Esperanza many things even though she is younger and has had a less privileged life. How does Isabel react to having to teach Esperanza so many things? Quote specific details from the chapter to show how she reacts. You must include at least one quote from the chapter

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Isabel teaches Esperanza how to wash the babies’ diapers because Esperanza has never washed clothes in her life. Esperanza is a bit embarrassed about her lack of household skills but she is determined to learn how to do all the chores before Isabel returns to school.

Esperanza attempts to sweep the camp’s platform. She has only ever watched the servants at el Rancho de las Rosas clean, so she struggles to complete the task. Marta witnesses Esperanza's failure and mocks her by calling her “Cinderella.” Esperanza runs back to the cabin in tears. For the first time, she is ashamed about her privileged past.

Miguel comforts Esperanza by showing her how to sweep properly. He understands that she has never had to learn how to do chores. Thanks to Miguel, Esperanza is able to sweep the platform successfully. Afterwards, Miguel jokes that Esperanza could actually be a good servant one day.

Isabel is impressed when Miguel calls Esperanza “his queen” and demands to know more about Esperanza’s life as a wealthy landowner’s daughter. Esperanza gladly agrees to tell Isabel stories about her past in exchange for instruction on how to do various chores.


Esperanza Rising