Esperanza Rising

Esperanza Rising

  1. Why does Esperanza dislike Marta when they first meet? What makes Esperanza change her mind about Marta?
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In Chapter Six, Esperanza attempts to sweep the camp’s platform. She has only ever watched the servants at el Rancho de las Rosas clean, so she struggles to complete the task. Marta witnesses Esperanza's failure and mocks her by calling her “Cinderella.” Esperanza runs back to the cabin in tears. For the first time, she is ashamed about her privileged past

In Chapter Seven, Esperanza attends the camp fiesta even though she knows it will mean having to see Marta. Additionally, Esperanza learns more about Marta's background when the older girl tries to rally the partygoers to strike for higher wages and better rights. Even though Esperanza does not fully grasp the political inequality that she is now living in, she starts to understand Marta's perspective. This moment foreshadows the development of Marta and Esperanza's relationship later on in the novel.
