Eros and Civilization

Eros and Civilization Analysis

The major axiom of this essay is clearly to demonstrate the subtle connection between sexual desire and economic progress. Economic progress is the leading factor in technological advancement, so the axiom extends to that domain as well. When considered from a bird's eye view, the major theory is simply that people tend to become productive to become economically powerful, because that monetary power also translates to social power, which will help them secure attractive sexual partners.

This is a nuanced theory in that it treats humans as simultaneously scientific and animal. Although to humans, science and progress seem completely removed from animal nature, that is only true in some ways. Yes, science is a departure from the animal tendencies to speculate or to judge with bias or subjectivity, but Marcuse is attempting here to show that the scientific endeavor is done for human motivations, motivations which are rooted in human nature, which he argues is animal nature.

Since this theory is primarily continental (dealing in axioms and abstracts), one interesting essay idea might be to reassess his theories from a modern, analytical lens. A counterpoint could be found if science is done for purely scientific reasons. The major setback would probably be funding, because scientific efforts are often shaped by the economic interests of the people who will pay for funding. If Marcuse's theory holds up to scrutiny, the important next step would be to attempt removing sexual, economic desires from the equation to see what a more pure, mathematical science might accomplish.

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