Erec and Enide Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the theme of quality leadership emerge in the book ‘Erec and Enide’?

    Leadership is not eternal and there is a need for leaders to cultivate and mentor new leaders to take over from them when their time comes. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere have demonstrated their quality leadership through a mentorship program in which they teach a young couple to learn leadership skills to take over when their time elapses. Authoritarian leaders do not want to give up power because they want to rule forever. Therefore, Nantes' kingdom is leading as an excellent example because the current leaders are ready to hand over power when their rule comes to an end.

  2. 2

    Do you find the rulers of the Kingdom of Nantes acting satirically?

    Most kingdom rulers are keen on pleasing people in whatever they do to maintain their supremacy. Satirically, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere are not after enticing people but doing the right thing. For instance, the kingdom leaders do not entertain indiscipline, and they keep on punishing those who do not follow the rules. The kingdom leaders do not fear being overthrown by young people, but they are after instilling young people. Out of this discipline, the young people are mentored and modeled to be future kings and queens.

  3. 3

    Why is Enide pledging to renew her love for Erec?

    Erec is not only an average man but also a devoted husband and determined rule to serve his kingdom's people. When Erec marries Enide, he promises to love her and be a good husband. Erec keeps his promises and does everything within his power to protect Enide. King Arthur is happy with Erec's devotion, and together with Queen Guinevere, they mentor him and Enide to become future kingdom rulers. Enide is pleased with Erec's dedication, and she promises to renew her love for him and continue being a loyal wife forever.

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