Director's Influence on Equilibrium

Director's Influence on Equilibrium

Kurt Wimmer creates a world based on sci-fi and the potential for fascist regimes to overtake our society by dulling our ability to feel. In the opening of the film, we see Partridge paired in close-ups with John while they are searching the building for clues at the crime scene. What Wimmer shows us is the vast difference between the two men as John feels nothing and it is quite clear that Partridge has more going on under the surface. Wimmer finishes this sequence off with Partridge staring into the flames coming off the priceless paintings that have been burned. The image shows us that the art that is burning is also the flame within this man.

Wimmer also uses the blackout firefight between Preston and the resistance to showcase the skills of a cleric. With only the fire from the barrel of the guns coming to life we can only see when bullets are flying. He creates a stylistic gunfight with imagery that is not common to the silver screen. It also reveals character in such a way that we understand how dangerous these clerics are as they are almost invinsible.

The director also creates a very cold world that these people live in. The Nether is essentially bombed out buildings while all of the citizens under Father are living in a clean, sterile environment. This showcases that the appearance of each of these societies is not what it is beneath the surface. Father's society is corrupt while the resistance beneath the destruction of the surface desires for all humanity to truly exist again.

Finally, Wimmer uses the gunfights to showcase technical skill rather than attempt to create special effects driven fare so often seen. Instead we watch as John and Dupont enter into a choreographed gunfight as the camera circles around them. It allows the audience to stay in the action and become part of the danger rather than clicking over to something that doesn't seem real.

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