Elizabeth Bishop: Poems Characters

Elizabeth Bishop: Poems Character List

The armadillo

The armadillo is supposed to be the main character in the poem ‘’The Armadillo’’ but the narrator offers little information about it. The only thing mentioned about the armadillo is the idea that it flees with the rest of the animals when the fire comes.

The rabbit

The rabbit is another animal forced to flee from the destructive force of the fire in the poem ‘’The Armadillo’’. The rabbit is affected by the fire in the sense his fur gets burned and turns to ash.

The owl family

The family of owls appears in the poem ‘’The Armadillo’’. They are called ‘’ancient owls’’, implying the idea that the owls were there long before any other animal came. Their home is destroyed by the fire and the owls are forced to flee to try and save themselves.

The father

The main character in the poem ‘’Filling Station’’ is the father. He works hard at the filling station and from the description of his clothes the narrator may reach the conclusion he is overweight.

The sons

The sons appear in the poem ‘’Filling Station’’ but the narrator does not mention how many sons are there. The narrator only mentions how he son helps their father with the work he does and how they work at the filling station as well.

The dog

The dog is another character that appears in the poem ‘’Filling Station’’. The dog is described as sitting on a sofa.

Miss Breen

Miss Breen is a character that appears in the poem ‘’Arrival at Santos’’ and she is describes as having accompanied the narrator. She is an old and widow woman who was a police lieutenant.

The narrator in ‘’Arrival at Santos’’

The narrator is a woman who traveled for 12 days to reach Santos. She does not have a good impression about the people living there and is afraid she will be robbed.

The captain

The captain is another character in the poem ‘’Arrival at Santos’’. He makes sure the women get safely of the boat.

The mangrove

The mangrove is a bird mentioned in the poem ‘’Little Exercise’’. The bird is outside while it is raining but he is not disturbed by the rain whatsoever.

The man in the boat

Another character presented in the poem ‘’Little Exercise’’ is the man in the boat. He is, just like the bird, unaffected by the storm and continues to sleep until it passes.

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