Eclipse Imagery

Eclipse Imagery

Assassin’s gaze

Bella is horrified, when she sees with what hatred and anger Victoria looks at her. Victoria grins, “exposing her teeth”. When Edward says James’s name, Victoria’s “lips pull back in a teeth-baring grimace”. Her eyes stay locked on Bella. Her eyes are still on Bella, filled with “a disappointment so ferocious that she looks deranged”. The image of Victoria’s gaze gives an impression of her pain and anger about the loss of her loved James.

Adult life

Freedom is so close; it is touchable, taste-able. Signs of it are everywhere. Posters crowd together on the cafeteria walls and the trashcans wear “a colorful skirt of spilled-over fliers”. There are “reminders to order graduation gowns, hats, and tassels; neon-bright sales pitches” – the juniors campaigning for class office; “ominous, rose-wreathed advertisements for this year’s prom”. The image of the school gives an impression of the high school graduation and new adult life.

Memories of a friend

Bella has known Jacob since childhood. Everything is connected with him – “a rocky beach” strewn with driftwood trees, “a garage made of plastic sheds”, warm sodas in a paper bag and “a tiny room” with one too-small shabby loveseat. “The laughter” in Jacob’s deep-set black eyes, “the feverish heat” of his big hand around Bella’s, “the flash of his white teeth” against his dark skin. The image of Bella’s memories about Jacob Black and his best places gives an impression of the endless friendship.

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