East of Eden

good vs evil in east of eden

can someone provide an example of the conflict between good and evil in the novel?

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The two main characters in east of eden are a good place to start - Samuel Hamilton who is good and Cathy Ames who is evil. See the major themes section of the study guide for a good explanation of their conflict.

I am writing my licence paper on the character of Cathy in Steinbeck's "East of Eden" and I refuse to see her as pure evil or so to speak, a simple static character. I don't thnk this was the author's intention. Why else would she commit suicide? Anyway, I wanted to present her as being a good example of la famme fatale, making some references to the film noire as well. What do you think? Could it be?

i want to know about good and evil in the novel east of eden

essay about good and evil in the novel east of eden