Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Big Joey threaten Zachary if he doesn't help him?

    Big Joey tells Zachary that he will provide proof in the form of his undershorts and a photograph of Zachary naked to his wife if he doesn't help him with the council to get his radio station going. Big Joey has walked in on Zachary lying naked on his couch and instead of being upset about it has decided to take advantage of the situation in order to get what he wants.

  2. 2

    Why is Dickie Bird Halked unable to speak?

    Dickie Bird Halked has been plagued with the inability to speak since birth. The men say that he was born in a bar in front of a jukebox. This is both figurative and literal as he was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and it is what caused him to not have the ability to talk. His mother had been drinking while pregnant with him.

  3. 3

    What is the irony of Creature being friends with Big Joey?

    Creature is seen in the opening scene with Big Joey and it appears that they are friends. The irony of their relationship lies in the fact that Gazelle Nataways was Creatures wife. She left him, and came to live with Big Joey. Now, she is Big Joey's girlfriend. Creature took an entire year before deciding that it wasn't Big Joey's fault and determined that it would be okay for him to be friends with him. Which he is, though you can feel the turmoil in Creature whenever he talks about his ex-wife, and also Big Joey's lack of caring what Creature thinks and belittling him.

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