Doubt: A Parable

In scene 1 and 2 in “Doubt” what is Father Flynn’s story about?

What do you think he means when he says "Doubt can be a bond as powerful as sustaining as certainty"

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In his sermon, Father Flynn urges his congregation to think about the assassination of President Kennedy the year before. He explains that although Kennedy’s death elicited feelings of disorientation and despair, people inevitably unified and responded compassionately when confronted with tragedy. As Father Flynn begins recounting the story of a sailor who is tortured by his doubt at sea, a nun walks around chastising ill-behaved children.

Father Flynn’s opening sermon demonstrates his adoption of progressive ideals. In his sermon, Flynn recognizes the world around him and understands that as a religious leader, he has the platform to inspire others to think critically about the confines of tradition. Father Flynn concludes by explaining that “doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty. When you are lost, you are not alone.” He encourages his congregation to embrace what is uncomfortable in order to challenge, learn, and grow.


Doubt: A Parable