
Tobias Haris

Explain how a Tobias aka Four character in the book changed in the story.

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Tobias (Four) was originally a member of Abnegation. His decision to leave the Abnegation causes rumors, and the reader soon learns that he was abused by his father. As a trainer, Tobias is reasonable. He is strong and courageous, but as a leader, he also concedes to the fact that bravery and cruelty are not the same thing. Tobias also comes to question the Dauntless faction. Over time, he sees that their goals to not align with those in the manifesto, that they are not adhering to their calling, and that putting themselves in danger just for thrills is not the purpose of the faction. When the Erudites attempt to kill the members of Abnegation, Four is the one of the first to protect them.

