Dictee Characters

Dictee Character List

Unnamed Woman

Throughout the book, most of the characters are unnamed. Specifically, there is an anonymous woman who appears in almost every story. The author is not clear on whether this is a specific woman character or a representative of women.

Kyung Cha

The author, Kyung Cha, is the narrator of the story in Dictee. She narrates all the poems and stories, and she emerges as the main character in the story. For instance, Kyung Cha appears before the Muse to tell her story, which she documents as part of the book.

Hyung Soon Huoa

Huoa first appears in Calliope, and the reader learns that she is Kyung Cha's mother. At the time she appears in Calliope, she is eighteen years of age. She was born in Korea but now lives in China. She resides at a refugee camp together with other Korean refugees.

Young Girl

The young girl first appears in the story when the author talks of Polymnia. The young girl can recall how her mother used to send her to the well to fetch water, and sometimes she could drink from it. She also remembers how her mother could give her a handkerchief to shield herself from the hot sun.

Yu Guan

Yu Guan is a young girl who dies at the age of seventeen. She is an extraordinary human being because she is generous, bright, and talented. Yu Guan's bravery and courage are demonstrated when she forms a rebellion to stop the Japanese from overthrowing the Koreans.

Young Woman

The young woman is the mysterious being that appears and vanishes. When the young girl goes to the well, she sees a figure that turns out to be the young woman who fills two water jars and then gives the young girl to drink. The young woman has magical powers because she provides a remedy for the young girl's ailing mother.


The Muses are deities Zeus's daughters. Each section of the Dictee is named after a Muse. Each Muse has a specific meaning. The narrator tells her narration to the Muses.

Crazy Woman

The crazy woman is first mentioned in Thalia, where she gazes at the contour next to her. She wants to write something on the profile using her pen, but she hesitates. At last, she leaves without writing anything.

Jesus Christ

Jesus is the man-God and perceived savior of human kind. He is later crucified and ascends to heaven. He is expected to come again when the world ends to judge people based on their doings on earth.

Laura Claxton

The author briefly mentions Laura in Thalia, where she receives a message from Small that Reardon relocated. Later, Laura receives another letter stating that her sister might go crazy and needs money for food.

Sister Therese

Sister Therese is married to Jesus. She is Monsieur and Mme’s daughter. She takes vows to be married by Jesus Christ to become a holy sister.

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