Desiree's Baby

Consider the setting of desires baby, in an antebellum creole community. What assumptions about power and class are in place? How do these work? How are they overturned? what happens when the characters identify shift?

Discuss the significance of the char. names in the txt. How do the meanings and associations contribute tothe characterization? Which charector are nameless? Why is this significant?

What what ways is La Blanches double ? How is the story one of misinterpretations? What surprises do characters encounter and how do these surprises upset their assumptions about one another and the world in which they live? What are the mysterious of the text? Consider the setting of desires baby, in an antebellum creole community. What assumptions about power and class are in place? How do these work? How are they overturned? what happens when the characters identify shift? in what ways does Desiree disrupt the systems in place and reveal flaws in the system? Through Armand how do Ideas about gender race and class crumble?

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