Death of a Salesman

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do you think that Linda's support of Willy strengthened his illusions of himself and the world, or would he have been the same without her?

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Linda's support is as damaging as any of the other deceptions which surround Willy, giving him a conflicted view of himself and others. She deludes herself first about the greatness of her husband, and then him. The opening stage directions indicate how Miller sees Linda's view of Willy -

'...she has developed an iron repression of her exceptions to Willy's behaviour - she more than loves him, she admires him, as though his mecurial nature, his temper, his massive dreams and little cruelties, served her only a sharp reminders of the turbulent longings within him, longings which she shares'

I think Willy would choose someone to be with who would maintain a similar facade (as we see in The Woman) to the way Linda operates around him. If not, he would, as he does with his boss, ignore the clear directions they give to help him avoid the tragedy of his destruction.


'Death of a Salesman' - Arthur Miller