Dead Souls

Dead Souls Character List


Chichikov is the protagonist of the novel. He is described as a conniving figure who is constantly trying to attain status and wealth. He is an adept conversationalist and says exactly what the other person wants to hear. He is consumed with his mission to purchase the names of dead peasants, as part of a scheme to make money. In a section describing his personal history, the narrator notes that he was instructed from a young age to focus on moving up in Russia's class system.


Manilov is a landowner who Chichikov visits. He is depicted as a simplistic man who is easily flattered. He is curious about Chichikov's plan to buy the names of his dead serfs. Chichikov has little trouble getting him to agree to sell.


Korobochka is a widowed landlady. Chichikov encounters her when he has some trouble with his carriage and is forced to spend the night in her village. She is described as being almost entirely focused on business as she expresses significant concern about getting a good price for her "souls."


Nozdriov is another landowner who Chichikov attempts to buy dead souls from. He is handsome, temperamental, and dishonest. He lies and insults people constantly. He is not well-liked and has a bad reputation in town.


Sobakevich is another landlord who Chichikov encounters. He values efficiency and practicality, running his farm with a focus on doing things without waste. At the same time he takes a dim view of almost everyone around him and has little sympathy or care for other people.


Pliushkin is the final person who Chichikov buys souls from. He is described as being greedy and cruel. The narrator says that when his wife was alive he was much more kind and generous. After her death, he became obsessed with money and treated his servants and children with suspicion and stinginess.


Selifan is Chichikov's carriage driver. He is frequently inebriated while driving.

The Governor's Daughter

The governor's daughter is Chichikov's main romantic interest. She is described as having good manners and blonde hair. Chichikov thinks she is extraordinarily beautiful.


Tentetnikov is a landowner who Chichikov lives with in the second part of the novel. He is a petty and bitter man who is fixated on his status in society.


Platonov is a landowner who Chichikov befriends. He is rich and good-looking. Chichikov appeals to him with flattery.