Cruel Optimism Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Illustrate how in Cruel Optimism Lauren Berlant demonstrates an understanding of optimism.

    In Cruel Optimism, Lauren Berlant begins her commentary with an explicit presentation of her own understanding of the concept. Lauren employs a somewhat modified, mutated, and revised definition of the word, a definition that is quite different and distinct from the normal usage of the same. The concept of optimism and pessimism can be viewed as an indispensable interrogation of whether a virtuous thing or an evil thing will happen. However, Berlant diverts from this definition employing simplification and adaptation to her own elucidation of the same. She describes the same as ideally a replication of one’s life desires. The book is centred around the argument that these two words should only be discussed in relation to desire.

  2. 2

    Bring out Lauren Berlant’s ideas on desire in Cruel Optimism.

    Lauren Berlant presents her convictions of desire in Cruel Optimism. In the book, Berlant clearly describes the word as some sought of a tussle with one’s fate. In the introduction of the same, Berlant writes that: “[Optimism] becomes cruel only when the object that draws your attachment actively impedes the aim that brought you to it initially." Lauren Berlant enhances the idea that associating one's desires, and the particular aspects that enhance thriving, the harsh and forbidding aspect of hope can be avoided.

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