Complete Poems of Marianne Moore Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who are the heroes mentioned in the poem "The Heroes’’ and what are the actions that made them heroes?

    The first name mentioned is Joseph, the son of Jacob. He fooled his father into believing he was actually his brother and thus he was blessed by his father. The next name is Cincinnatus, a man praised for his virtue and his courage. Cincinnatus was a Roman leader in the first century before Christ and is perceived by many as being a hero. The name Regulus is also mentioned, the name given to the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Lastly, the narrator mentions the black man and woman as being heroes because of their reluctance to give in and accept the way society treats them.

  2. 2

    Why is the poem "No Swan so Fine’’ set in Versailles?

    The city of Versailles and the palace that is on the grounds of the city is probably the most well-known palace in the world. It is linked with the French nobility that disappeared during the French Revolution. The last Kings and Queens of France lived at Versailles and thus the palace and the city remained as a reminder of the nobility that once existed. The narrator wanted to transmit the idea that nothing is permanent and that our world is more than often not what we think it is. Versailles was used by many as a symbol of artifice and thus by choosing this location the narrator accentuated even further the idea he was trying to transmit through the poem.

  3. 3

    Why does the narrator compare herself to a tree trunk in the poem "Black Earth’’?

    The narrator compares herself to a tree trunk because she wants to transmit the idea that she is stable and that her thoughts are constant. The narrator claims her ideas do not fluctuate and thus she can be compared with a tree trunk that has strong and deep roots. The narrator also wants to transmit the idea that no matter what the society will do, her ideas will not change and her spirit will remain the same no matter what.

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