Chinese Cinderella

what does Niangs description of living quarters in the shanghai house tell you about her attitude towards her step children

it is in chapter 5

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The house was large and beautiful, but much of it was off-limits to Adeline and her siblings. The living room was only for their father's visitors. They must always enter the house by the back door. The second floor had bedrooms for their father, Niang and their two children. Their bedrooms were located on the third floor. The three older boys would share a room, Adeline and Aunt Baba would share a room and Big Sister and Ye Ye would each have their own bedrooms....We can see that Step children are meant to take an almost servant like role. They are not afforded the same respect as "real" children.



her house in shanghi was very large as well as very beautiful.the house consisted of three floors: first floor was for guests, kitchen, living room, garage and servent quarters.The second floor was for Niang, father and the younger brother and little sister.the third floor was give to the 5 step children. the clhildren were not allowed to enter the second floor,as Niang had told them. the children were discriminated in this way.


book: Chinese cinderella

For the Model Research Paper, how did Laura develop a good sense of narrowing a topic? She filled out a simple graphic organizer, much like the one you will fill out in the Student Guide if you sense that your topic is too broad.

What happens if you have the opposite problem? What if your topic is too narrow? It is not likely to happen. Most topics are likely to offer an interesting range of information once you start to explore them in depth. However, sometimes you may think of a topic that can be fully answered using a simple array of facts without explanation. An example might be, "Which parties have the presidents of the United States belonged to?" You can answer that one with a list of the presidents and their party affiliations. To broaden the topic, ask yourself, "What would I like to learn about that includes this information and more?" Or ask yourself, "What more general topic is this one a part of?"

Refer to the Student Guide and answer the questions there before beginning the next activity. You should then have a good idea for a topic of a comfortable size.

The house was large and beautiful, but much of it was off-limits to Adeline and her siblings. The living room was only for their father's visitors. They must always enter the house by the back door. The second floor had bedrooms for their father, Niang and their two children. Their bedrooms were located on the third floor. The three older boys would share a room, Adeline and Aunt Baba would share a room and Big Sister and Ye Ye would each have their own bedrooms....We can see that Step children are meant to take an almost servant like role. They are not afforded the same respect as "real" children.

Aslan it was such a alsome paragraph I had to write it again
