Children of Men

Children of Men Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Kee's Baby (Symbol)

Kee's baby daughter is the film's most prominent symbol of hope. She is the first child to be born in more than eighteen years, and her existence is a promise that humanity has a future after all. Luke, recognizing the baby's symbolic importance, attempts to use it as a political tool to rally others to the Fishes' cause, but despite her significance she still is only a child, and Kee recognizes that the most important thing to do is protect her and keep her by her side.

Theo and Julian's Son (Symbol)

Theo and Julian's lost son Dylan is a symbol for the past, particularly the history shared by the two of them. When Dylan was alive, Theo and Julian lived a happy and productive life, because they had something to fight for. Their son brought them together, and his absence drove them apart. Throughout the film, talk of Dylan serves as a painful reminder of easier times, of a past now long gone.

The Tomorrow (Symbol)

The Human Project's ship the Tomorrow is another symbol of hope in this film. It is a promise that people are working constantly to try and solve humanity's largest problem, as well as a promise that Kee and her daughter have a place to go where they will be safe and cared for. Throughout the film, no one is entirely positive that the Tomorrow actually does exist, but hope and faith keeps them moving along to try to reach it.

The Abandoned School (Symbol)

The abandoned school at which Theo, Miriam, and Kee wait for Syd is a symbol for the children that are now gone from the world. A school is a place entirely dedicated to helping children learn and grow, and is one of the few places in the world that truly belongs to children. This abandoned school is a stand-in for the children who no longer exist, a painful reminder of the tragedy that struck humanity.

The Fishes' Name (Symbol)

The group name "Fishes" carries religious symbolism because of what the fish has been said to represent in Christian theology. For a long time, drawing a fish in the sand was a way for Christians evading persecution to secretly communicate with each other. Fish also live in water, which symbolizes renewal and rebirth in Christianity. All of these factors fit with the Fishes' proclaimed mission of aiding the refugees in their fight for equal rights, acceptance, and human kindness.