Charlotte Bronte: Poems Background

Charlotte Bronte: Poems Background

Charlotte Bronte was a top-tier poet of nineteenth century England (the Victorian era). She was born during 1816 and died during 1855. Despite how talented she was, only two of her poems are widely cherished today, according to the Poetry Foundation. Yet they are not the most riveting of poems, although that is up for debate.

In addition to being a poet, Bronte was a novelist and wrote the literary classic Jane Eyre, which was published during 1847. This novel includes the two poems/songs most people read today. Some poem titles from her collection are "Life," "On the Death of Anne Bronte," "Passion," "Parting," and "Evening Solace."

Bronte distanced herself from poetry after beginning her professional writing career, which was driven by the major change in literary preferences and marketability at the time. The shift went from emphasis on poetry to prose fiction between the 1830s and 1840s.

Bronte's poetic style is plain and vivid, consisting of highly descriptive verses touching on human complexities. Her poetic tone elicits feelings of melancholy and awe.

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