Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What role does Grandpa Joe play in Charlie's life?

    Grandpa Joe is much more than just a grandparent to Charlie. He is Charlie's mentor, and he and Charlie share many of the same qualities: a good imagination, excitement about little things in life, and a love of family. The stories that Grandpa Joe told Charlie throughout his childhood inspired him to dream big and have a healthy curiosity for everything around him, and this has played a huge role in shaping Charlie into the good boy he is today. Grandpa Joe's excitement while in the factory mirrors Charlie's, almost as if he is just a grown, old version of the boy himself.

  2. 2

    In what ways does Mr. Wonka tempt the children to misbehave?

    Willy Wonka perceives the first four children's character flaws almost as soon as they enter his factory, and the way he treats them and speaks to them reflects that. He often says things to provoke them or their parents, and frequently makes it clear that he disapproves of the things they do—for example, he tells Violet that chewing gum is a terrible habit, and mentions in front of Mike that he disapproves of children who watch television all day. In addition, he leads them to many places in the factory designed to tempt specific children to misbehave, leading to their elimination.

  3. 3

    What can one discern about Willy Wonka's character? Is he likable and kind, or sneaky and cruel?

    Before Charlie finds the Golden Ticket and goes into the factory, Willy Wonka is a complete mystery. But even after Charlie has spent time with him, Wonka is still very mysterious. The book reveals nothing about his past or much about who he is as a person at all, so readers are left to form opinions of him based on the way he interacts with the other characters. One thing is for sure about Wonka, though: he is a passionate man. He is passionate about the work he does, and he gets along best with those people who can understand and share this passion (Charlie and Grandpa Joe).

  4. 4

    How has Charlie grown as a result of his experience at the factory?

    Charlie Bucket was purely good right from the start, so he did not have to develop any new morals or values over the course of the story. However, in many ways Charlie was naive to the world around him, having never known much beyond his meager life. It can be argued that Charlie needed to spend time with the four naughty children in order to learn about the badness in the world, so that he is ready to face it. Charlie becomes more mature by the end of the book, ready to take on the huge responsibility of becoming Wonka's heir.

  5. 5

    What is the Oompa-Loompas' purpose in the novel?

    The Oompa-Loompas are a voice of reason throughout the factory visit, chiming in after each child is eliminated to clearly state what they and their parents did wrong and what sort of behavior should be encouraged instead. But the Oompa-Loompas also serve as an example of superhuman loyalty, work ethic, and honesty, since they replaced the dishonest humans that used to work in Wonka's factory. The Oompa-Loompas are wise and virtuous, which makes them the perfect people to teach the lessons that they teach after the elimination of each naughty child.

  6. 6

    How does the theme of karma play a role in the story?

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a great representation of the common saying "what goes around comes around." The first four Golden Ticket finders have been naughty all their lives as their parents have indulged them and encouraged their poor behavior. As a result, karma comes back to haunt them; not only do they not win the grand prize, but they are also forever changed as a reminder of their naughtiness. Charlie, however, has always been a good boy, and though he has seen more than his fair share of misfortune in life, he eventually gets the ultimate prize as a reward for his goodness.