Call of the Wild

Call of the wild

Chapter 4-6 qs

a.) Why did the driver put dave in the harness, knowing that it would kill him? Did he have any simpathy for Dave>

b.) How far had the dogs traveled in the last 5 months?

c.) How can you tell that others were incompetent when it came to planning a trip through the Klondike? What do you think of them?

d.) Why did all but five dogs die?

e.) Why didn't Buck get up when it was time to leave Thorton's camp? What was the Hal's response? What was thorton's camp/ What was Thorton's response? How did Buck's behavior save his lfe?

f.) What do you know about Mercedes through direct characterization? What impressions do you form through inderect characteriation?

g. Do you believe it is believable that Buck, would as he did when he began to live with Thorson?

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Why did the driver put dave in the harness, knowing that it would kill him?

Dave, like the other dogs, lives to pull sled. Dave will die anyway so the driver lets Dave do what he loves until he dies. I think that was his way of rewarding Dave. Dave would not have wanted to die sitting around.

You need to submit each of your questions one at a time. Thanks.