Call of the Wild


What is Buck's life like at Judge Miller's place in chapter 1

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Buck lives in the home of Judge Miller in Santa Clara Valley. The house is large and spacious, and the grounds are beautifully laid out with orchards and gardens. For his entire life, Buck has lived here in splendor. Other dogs are present, but Buck is above them all. Buck is the king of his domain, believing himself the benign master of everyone, including his humans. He is neither a house-dog nor a kennel dog but goes where he wishes. The whole realm belongs to him. He escorts the Judge's daughters on walks; he hunts with his sons, carries his grandchildren on his back. A mix of St. Bernard and Scotch Shepard, Buck weighs only 140 pounds. He is not as large as his father was, but he carries himself like a king. Hunting and walking keep him fit, and he rejoices in sport and play.
