Building Stories Quotes


“It's somehow more comforting to imagine that one's suffering is unique, and to measure against what one doesn't know, rather than against what one does.”

The Woman

The woman is innately concerned with the concept of suffering because of her depression. In order to bear her feelings of guilt, she forces herself to believe that she is suffering from a totally unique kind of pain, as if no one has ever been in this position before her. By believing this, she can convince herself that she's trying all she can to overcome these negative emotions. The reality is that she's not dealing with her feelings at all, whether by way of acceptance or reconciliation.

“I mean, if all we are is bundles of energy. . . what is a 'hug' anyway? . . . and how can we ever really touch each other?"


One of the people from the future brings up this interesting question while analyzing the apartment building. Ware is so often preoccupied with location in this text so that the characters seem to almost believe in the personhood of their respective buildings. This anonymous scientist comments on how strange it is that humans think they can actually connect with one another. Just as emotional intimacy is lost on these people, they doubt the sincerity of physical intimacy as well.

“Even the disappointing diffusion of a sheer curtain can suggest the most colorful bouquet of unspeakable secrets.”


Adding an element of whimsy to an otherwise dreary building, the curtains the woman buys end up brightening her mood. The gentle affect of the sheer fabric overlaid on the windows softens her mood. They tease her when they sway in the wind, as if the building were whispering to her. Somehow these curtains serve to remind her that life is still kind of mysterious to everyone living it.

". . . The nest is agiggle with excitement."


This excerpt is a beautiful example of Ware's diversity as an author. He uses the imagery of baby birds to remind readers that this story is ultimately about motherhood. The laughter implies a turn of events, a more cheerful tone than previously used. Unfortunately this excerpt is from a book which the woman reads to her daughter, not her actual thoughts. Since her name is unknown, however, it's possible she wrote the children's book.

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