Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy Metaphors and Similes

Simile: Momma as Tornado

Readers only learn about Momma through the memories of the other characters, especially Bud. He describes her thusly: "Everything moved very, very fast when Momma was near, she was like a tornado, never resting, always looking around us, never standing still" (41). This simile allows us to see her has a whirl of energy, as a vibrant and lively woman. This simile has added significance when we realize that she could only be this way after running away from home.

Metaphor: The door

Momma tells Bud, "...no matter how dark the night, when one door closes, don't worry, because another door opens" (43). This common metaphor uses a door to suggest opportunity. It allows Bud to think about the moments in his life that signify a change and to know that even if something seems bad or confusing, it will lead to something good in the future. Bud never forgets this, and finds himself thinking of these metaphorical doors as he undertakes his adventure to find his father.

Metaphor: Song as Misfortune

A man in the Hooverville tells Bud and Bugs, "You might think or you might hear that things are better just down the line, but they're singing the same sad song all over this country" (68). This metaphor uses a sad song as a metaphor for the troubles of joblessness, bankruptcy, and despair proliferating across the country. It effectively suggests how bad things really are.

Simile: Dust in the wind

Deza Malone tells Bud, "My momma says all these poor kids on the road all alone are like dust in the wind" (73). The phrase "dust in the wind" derives from Ecclesiastes and conveys a listless, hopeless, scattered existence. That makes it perfect for Deza's mother's description of the rootless, itinerant children looking for family and purpose out on the road.

Metaphor: Ideas as seeds

A frequent metaphor in the text is that of ideas beginning as small seeds that grow and grow until they become tall maple trees. Bud ruminates on how he came to think Herman was his father and comments, "If you look at a great big maple tree it's hard to believe it started out as a little seed" (91). Similarly, it's hard to believe that Bud could jump from not knowing his father to feeling 100% sure it was Herman E. Calloway.