Brian Patten: Poems Imagery

Brian Patten: Poems Imagery

The sea routes

One of the most important images that appears in the poem "There is a boat down the quay’’ is that of the boat the narrator sees, sailing on the open seas, passing through dangerous places and discovering new lands. This image is important for the narrator who built something akin to a fantastic image of the sailors which he saw frequently as a child and this image is also important because it influenced the narrator’s way of life and thinking.

The man on the chair

Another important image is that of Mr. Ifonly in the poem of the same name. The narrator describes the man as being a depressed person, someone whose stance indicates how he feels. The man is described as slouching on a chair, unable to move and unwilling to do anything. This image is important because it shows how a person is affected by the disappointments he or she experiences in their lifetime.

Idyllic place

In the poem "Geography lesson’’ the narrator talks about his teacher who used to tells his pupils about his dreams of one day visiting faraway lands. He would describe those places as being always sunny and with lush vegetation. This description is important because it pushes the narrator to take the same journey his teacher wanted to take. Thus, this image influenced him greatly.

The educational system

In the poem "The Minister for Exams’’ the narrator talks about an educational system he experienced. The narrator begins the poem by claiming he was sure he would pass all his exams as a child only to be disappointed when he realized he had failed many of them. The educational system is not portrayed in a pretty light. Instead, the narrator talks about the system as being an unjust one, a system no one can win against.

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