Born in Blood and Fire Glossary

Born in Blood and Fire Glossary


A political philosophy that encourages autonomy and freedom and that suggests that the best form of government is highly deregulated so that individuals and companies can act in their own best interests


Degraded (as opposed to "evolved" which suggests improvement over time)


A series of logical explanations that explain a decision, belief, or course of actions


Governed by business interests, especially a corporation wherein multiple owners are represented by a paid professional manager


young people or behaving in the way young people do


A philosophy of optimism in which people believe the best of others and of themselves


Personal gain or self-preservation, generally in the context of a motivation for a person's actions or decisions


A populist leader, typically from a rural area, characterized by the ability to inspire great personal loyalty from other men. Caudillo leaders were typically extroverted, wealthy land owners or "leaders on horseback" who were frequently disposed to displays of machismo or even violence. Although they were never from the working class, caudillos knew how to inspire working men to identify with them.


A form of assertive patriotism in which people seek to create or advance their own nation's unique economy, culture, and political interests. When used in the context of politics or leadership, the word suggests a political platform that emphasizes self-rule and self-governance.


A person who engages in skirmish-style warfare, generally of the insurgent variety, specializing in surprise attacks, unconventional weapons, and a less organized military system that does not always adhere to contemporary standards of uniform and identification.


Of, or referring to, the Communist theories and philosophy of Karl Marx


People, animals, or plants that are native to a particular region


A Spanish word describing people who are of mixed race or heritage, typically people with one European parent and one indigenous parent


An economic and political trend in which industrialists from a developed and wealthy country set up business in a developing country.a developed and wealthy country and come to exercise a great deal of economic and politicial control over the development of that nation


A political act by which a more powerful and developed nation seizes political control or authority over part or all of another state or nation, typically to protect or advance business interests located there. Annexation does not typically occur as a result of a popular vote and is frequently independent of the will of the people who reside there or who are native to the region. Annexation is the technique whereby the United States acquired Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Cuba.


Refers to leaders who enjoy widespread positive regard and support, particularly among the poor and working classes as opposed to among the elite

Manifest Destiny

A propaganda-fueled notion, popular in the United States, suggesting that expansion of the US economy, culture, and political influence into other nations was somehow desirable, necessary, positive, or welcome. Adherents of Manifest Destiny believed, and continue to believe, that economic and political domination by the United States is somehow part of other nations' destiny. A form of mass delusion similar to the "White Man's Burden" notion common in European colonial powers, Manifest Destiny relies heavily on racist and ethnocentric belief in inherent superiority of the more powerful and encroaching nation. People on the receiving end of Manifest Destiny doctrine seldom seem to appreciate or enjoy it, nor do they necessarily benefit in any quantitatively measurable way.


A collection of leaders, generally military, who govern a nation as an executive committee. A junta is supposed to be temporary but many Latin American juntas turned into military dictatorships


A form of government in which one person, not necessarily elected or appointed through any legal process, assumes power and governs personally instead of working through a legislature or government structure. Many dictators govern in a manner that is capricious and arbitrary, and there are no checks or balances in their system of government that prevent them from doing so.

Dirty War

A civil "war" in which a dictatoral government, such as the one in post-Peron Argentina, systematically rounded up, imprisoned, and executed potential political opponents. Torture and murder were commonplace and there was no process of law to determine who was innocent and who was guilty. Such fighting as occurred was generally of the guerrilla sort.


A succession of leaders or rulers bound together by some common theme, such as being from the same family, the same philosophy, or the same political party.

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