Bone Gap

Finn's face blindness?

how is finn accepted by his friends and family with his face blindness

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Finn O’Sullivan is the protagonist of the story. According to the people of Bone Gap, Finn is a strange lad. He never looks people in the eyes, not to mention that he is always deep in his own thoughts. They call him Spaceman, Moonface and many other names, but they do it without malice, for he is their strange boy and they have known him for ages. However, Finn doesn’t have any serious mental disorder, he suffers from prosopagnosia, a cognitive disorder of face perception. Finn is a very sensitive teenager, who loves his brother, his cat and Petey, who is a girl of his dreams. Roza’s kidnapping makes him feel guilty, for he blames himself for not helping her, for believing that she wanted to leave.


Bone Gap