Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West

Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West Glossary


(n) a Spanish term for a public walkway or promenade lined with trees


(n) a traditional Spanish magistrate who held both municipal and administrative functions


(n) ancient Pueblo peoples from the part of the United States now known as the "Four Corners": the meeting of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. The word comes from the Navajo term for "Ancient Peoples" or "Ancient Enemy."


(n) a collective term used to describe several indigenous tribes from the Southwestern part of the United States. The Apache developed a pattern of conflict with both the Spanish and Mexican forces, dating back to the 1600s, when Spanish colonists arrived in present-day New Mexico.


(n) historically, a band of heroes from Greek mythology who accompanied Jason to Colchis in his mission to find the Golden Fleece. This word also refers to an adventurer or person who is on a dangerous but rewarding quest.


(n) the Spanish word for "brook" or "stream"


(v) to settle into a temporary encampment


(n) a fixed-blade knife that was popular in the early 19th Century, primarily used for fighting. It has a large blade and a curved "clip-point."

break (horses)

(v) to train a wild horse so that a human can ride and control it

De Donde Viene?

(Spanish) Where do you (all) come from?


(n) mounted infantry, trained in horse riding or fighting skills


(n) derived from the Spanish word for 'Double', and refers to a type of gold coin that was minted in Spain. Doubloons marked "2 S" were equivalent to 4 USD.


(n) Spanish for "rifle"


(n) in the context of Blood Meridian, the term refers to independent military operators


(n) the shallow part of a river or stream that can be crossed by vehicle, by foot, or on horseback


(n) a weapon invented in Sweden in the 1700s, which looks like a small cannon. It was useful to send cast-iron shells inside fortifications because they could fire at a steeper angle and more steadily than a hand-held rifle.


(n) latrines


(n) a full day's travel across a desert without taking a break or drinking water

lay acolytes

(n) in Christianity, this term refers to a layperson, like a child or a teenager, who performs helpful duties during a service, like lighting candles or carrying books


(n) derived from the French word "mes" meaning "portion of food." It is generally a military term referring to either the dining facility or the time when a group of people eat together.


(n) Spanish word for a fort or fortress, often used to describe the garrisons the Spanish built to protect their holdings and missions in the Southwest USA

Que Paso Con Ustedes?

(Spanish) What is going on with you all?


(n) a sharp hairpin turn

The Monroe Doctrine

(n) An American policy from 1823 that stated if European nations tried to colonize or interfere with land in North or South America, the United States would view that as an act of aggression. The USA would in turn not interfere with existing European colonies. This doctrine was established by President James Monroe and is considered a turning point in American foreign policy.


(n) a military term referring to a mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost; variant spelling of 'Vedette'