Bless Me, Ultima

How does Ultima compare Tenorio to a wolf?

From Bless Me, Ultima, Chapter Sixteen (Dieciseis)

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From the text:

“Ay,” she smiled and put her arms around me, “do not worry about Tenorio’s threats, he has no manly strength to carry them out. He murdered Narciso because he ambushed him in cold blood, but he will not find me so easy to ambush—He is like an old wolf who drags around the ground where he has made his kill, his conscience will not let him rest. He returned to the tree where he committed his mortal sin to find some absolution for his crime. But where there is no acknowledgement of guilt and penance done for the wrong, there can be no forgiveness—”

Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me, Ultima (p. 189). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.