Bless Me, Ultima

Bless me, Ultima

In chapter 11 Cino tells Tony about the strange power of the lakes that seems to watch him, like the presence of the river, but "it seems to want you more", the music of the mermaid. Reread what happens to him and then think about the death of Florence. Where are there parallels? How is the gloden carp involed in both incidents? How might this make Florence's death mythic?

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Antonio was forced to mature quickly when he observed the deaths of Lupito and Narciso, but Florence’s death is even more difficult to take. Because he knows that Florence did not believe in God, Antonio cannot find solace from his grief in the same ways that he dealt with Lupito and Narciso. He knows that Catholic doctrine dictates that Florence will either burn in Hell or simply wander the world, never to be at peace. Antonio knows that Florence was a good person, and he only wishes that he could have shown Florence the golden carp before his death.

Antonio continues to be preoccupied with questions about God, but he has given up waiting for God to speak to him through Communion. He continues to go to confession and take Communion, but he has also decided that he must find the answers to these questions from other sources. Although he still acknowledges that God determines who will go to Heaven and Hell, Antonio no longer believes that God is involved in the occurrences of daily life. This realization draws Antonio to the golden carp for a different kind of understanding of the world. While he is waiting to see the golden carp with Cico, Antonio finally feels an inner peace that he cannot find through Catholicism. Antonio has finally discovered a way to reconcile his conflicting religions as different perspectives of the same world. When one belief cannot answer all of his questions, Antonio knows to seek other sources until he has all of the understanding that he desires.

